Hard Coat


Acronym: HardCoat

Surface HARDening and highly wear-resistant nanocomposite COATtings for woodworking tools

Project: COFUND-M-ERANET-3-HardCoat-1, no. 312/2022

Project Period: 27.06.2022-31.12.2024

Financial supported by Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research (CNCS-UEFISCDI) by PN IIII – European and International Cooperation – Horizon 2020


In cutting tools industry, economic considerations play an important role, thus the surface modification technology is to be applied to ensure the required functional properties while using as cheap as possible materials for the bare element. This element, being required to generally, results in lower performance. A wide selection of currently available types of composite coatings and their deposition technology is the result of an increasing demand for modern methods of surface modification and protection for tools, machine parts and other components.
Through this project the development in surface modification of cutting tools used in wood industry as well as the optimization of methodologies for investigation of mechanical, physico-chemical, surface and interfacial properties like wear and corrosion performance of this materials is intended. In order to understand the complex interactions in the interface between substrate and coatings as well as the functional surface, the use of state-of-the-art equipment for extensive in-situ studies is necessary. General statements on increasing the service life and efficiency in use require the development of realistic test conditions for the novel materials. The complex requirements for screening tests for validation purposes enable information of the highest quality, which directly benefits the regional, European and global sector of wood device technology. One particular aim is to test the prepared prototypes in industrially operational environment (TRL6) – tasks which will be performed by the industrial partner in woodworking industry.


Coordinator (P1): Chemnitz University of Technology, Materials and Surface Engineering Group (MSE) Dr.Ing.Thomas LINDNER

Partner 2: National Institute of RD for Optoelectronics (INOE), Dr.eng.Alina VLADESCU

Partner 3: Palacky University Olomouc (PU), Ph.D.Mgr. Radim Ctvrtlik

Partner 4: DRUGON International SRL, Dr. Eng. Diana Maria Vranceanu

Work plan:

WP1: Testing of the cutting tools used in wood industry coated by thin films by consotium partners (monolayer structures)

WP2: Testing of the cutting tools used in wood industry coated by thin films by consotium partners (multilayer structures)

WP3: Testing of the cutting tools used in wood industry coated by thin films by consotium partners (gradient structures)



During the 2023, the following results were obtained:

  • 1 scientific raport;
  • 5 prototypes – cutting tools tested in production line – see below some photos;
  • 1 patent application: Multilayered coatings for protecting of cutting tools which work in server wear regimes used in woodworking tools, nr. A/00093/28.02.2023, authors: A.Dragomir, A.C. Parau, M.Dinu, L.R.Constantin, D.M. Vranceanu, C.Vitelaru, performed in collaboration with INOE2000;
  • 2 consortium meetings organized in 15 march 2023; 25 october 2023 and others online meetings;
  • WEB page of project;
  • 1 scientific paper submited to ISI journal in colaboration with INOE;
  • 13 awards at Invention Exihbitions (5 GOLD medals, 3 SILVER medals and 5 Special Awarda/Diploma of Excellence) – see below some photos;
  • 3 papers presented at Invention Exihbitions (EuroInvent, Traian Vuia, Inova, ICAN, Intarg si InventCor);
  • 1 paper presented at EMRS Spring Meeting 2023 Conference in collaboration with INOE.

All the dissemination activities were perfomed by DRUGON’s own budget (co-financing expenses). In the following, there are presented some images from several participations and the awards.

EUROINVENT 15th European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation, 11-13 May 2023, Iasi, Romania

International INVENTCOR Salon, IV edition,14-16 September 2023, Deva, Romania

9th Edition of International Exhibition of Patents and Innovation “Traian Vuia” 15-18 June 2023, Timisoara, Romania

8th International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada, iCAN 2023, 25 August 2023, Toronto, Canada – online

47th International Inventiona Show – INOVA, 26-29 septembrie 2023, Zagreb, Croatia

In the following, there presented some images of tools after testing.

Published results:

Structural, mechanical, wear and anticorrosive properties of CrSiCN coatings used for industrial woodworking applications, I. Pana, A.C. Parau, M. Dinu, C. Vitelaru, D.M. Vranceanu, T. Lindner, A. Vladescu (Dragomir), Heliyon, 10 (2024) 1-15, doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e29496

Results of service life of a coated tool by CrSiCN C50N50 in comparison with an uncoated tool (aggressive planing = 5 mm/one pass; easy planing = 2.5 mm/one pass).

Type of woodType of processQuantity Uncoated toolsQuantity Coated tools
Laminated MDF (3 layers of MDF with adhesive)cut1798.5 linear meters3997.5 linear meters
MDF + adhesive + Beechcut2324.2 linear meters4920.8 linear meters
MDF without adhesive (18 mm thickness)cut4846.9 linear meters13681.1 linear meters
MDF without adhesive (12 mm thickness)cut2281.6 linear meters6403.4 linear meters
Beech (50 mm thickness)cut671.3 linear meters1212.7 linear meters
Beech (26 mm thickness)cut2402.7 linear meters4767.3 linear meters
Pal melamine (18 mm thickness)cut1830.4 linear meters4538.6 linear meters
Sprunce (50 mm thickness)aggressive planing77.4 m2122.6 m2
Pine (26 thickness)easy planing68.1 m2136.9 m2
Ash (26 mm thickness)easy planing22.0 m250.8 m2
Ash (50 mm thickness)aggressive planing5.2 m28.0 m2
Beech (50 mm thickness)aggressive planing178.1 m2276.3 m2

One may see that the improved time depends on the type and thickness of wood as wells as on the type of planing (aggressive or easy). For example, the uncoated tools cut of 671.3 linear meters of beech (50 mm thickness). By coating the tools edges, 1212.7 linear meters were cut, meaning an increase of 44.6 %.


  • 1 scientific report;
  • 7 prototypes – cutting tools;
  • 1 patent application: Monostraturi subţiri nanostructurate rezistente la uzare pe bază de carbo-nitruri ale metalelor de tranziţie cu adaosuri de siliciu, nr. A/00605/03.10.2022 (in collaboration with INOE2000);
  • 1 consotium meeting organized in 14-15 october 2022;
  • WEB page of project;
  • 3 awards at Invention Exihbitions (1 GOLD medal, 1 SILVER and 1 Special Award);
  • 3 papres presented at Invention Exihbitions: PRO-INVENT, INOVA, InventCor:
    • Nanostructured thin films based on carbo-nitrides if transition metals with silicon additions resistant to wear, S.Dragomir, A.C.Parau, D.M.Vranceanu, L.R. Constantin, C. P.Dragomir, A.Vladescu, Salonul Internațional al Cercetării Științifice, Inovării și Inventicii PRO INVENT, ediția a XX-a,Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 26-28 October 2022 – a fost premiata cu Gold Medal
    • Surface HARDening and highly wear-resistant nanocomposite COATtings for woodworking tools, A.Vladescu, L.R. Constantin, A.C.Parau, D.M.Vranceanu, S. Dragomir, 46th INOVA  INTERNATIONAL INVENTION SHOW, OSIJEK, CROATIA,  October – – a fost premiata cu Silver MEDAL and Special Prize (engineering/materials science)
    • Surface HARDening and highly wear-resistant nanocomposite COATtings for woodworking tools, S.Dragomir, D.M.Vranceanu, C.P.Dragomir, 3rd International Exhibition InventCOR, 15-17 decembrie 2022, Deva, Romania, online

Contact us: Tractorului street, no.2, Cumpana, Jus. Constanta; [email protected]